Foo Fighters Concrete and Gold Tour

We fulfilled our High School selves’ wildest dreams by providing the video and animation for the Foo Fighter’s Concrete and Gold Tour. Designed by Dan Hadley and programmed by Andy Babin. Kerstin Hovland broke out some wonderful concrete and gold textural work along with 1970's Swiss Design. Daniel Jackson hauled in the analog video synth. Emery Martin with some abstract 1980's computer graphics, a dash of Notch, running the onsite, and creating the "drop ceiling-chic" logo look. Thanks to the Open The Portal crew for the cut out and paper animation. Gina Marie Napolitan for some awesome hand processed film loops (actual film). As always Meejin Hong our onsite superstar slicing and dicing any and all things. Also, Julian Petschek for some additional paint splash motion graphics.