Bruno Mars: Moonshine Jungle Tour
Bruno Mars: Moonshine Jungle Tour
Electronic Countermeasures, created animation for Bruno Mars’ Moonshine Jungle Tour (4th leg) in conjunction with Commonwealth Projects, LLC. A combination of After Effects and Processing were used to create John Whitney-esque animation melded with 1980’s analog video aesthetics for the show opening song, Moonshine. Animation for “Natalie” and the show closer “Gorilla” were also handled by Electronic Countermeasures, in conjunction with additional on-site animators, Meejin Hong and Julian Petschek. Emery C. Martin, served as Lead Animator and Content Manager for the on-site tech portion of the process.
To see a bit of the process of taking the Bruno Mars: Moonshine Jungle Tour from code to previz to stage, take a look at Electronic Countermeasures: Creative Coding Reel (2013-2014).